JAST addresses major issues facing the air transport industry in the 21st century. The journal offers practitioners and academics a forum to analyze and discuss in major sectors such as airlines, airports, air traffic control, aerospace engineering and related organizations.

Journal of Aviation Science and Technology

Launched by the Vietnam Aviation Academy (VAA) in 2021, The Journal of Aviation Science and Technology (JAST) is a globally accessible and peer-reviewed academic publication. Serving as a premier platform for scholars, industry professionals, governmental bodies, and students, JAST focuses on the latest advancements and challenges within the realms of aviation, aeronautics, aerospace, and technological innovation.

Covering a wide array of topics including business strategies, educational initiatives, regulatory frameworks, safety protocols, logistics, air traffic control, airline and airport management, intermodal transportation, and scientific advancements, The Journal of Aviation Science and Technology delves into critical issues shaping the modern aviation landscape.

The Journal of Aviation Science and Technology provides a unique space for practitioners and academics to examine and deliberate on aerospace technological, engineering and management advancements and contributes to the ongoing dialogue and development within the air transport industry in the 21st century.

To learn more about the Journal of Aviation Science and Technology – https://vaajast.org/